Another Day... September 4 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

For the F1 fraternity, Formula1Sport has the news as usual, while F1 Insight goes into nostalgic mode, remembering Bruce McLaren, the driver who founded the all-conquering racing team of the same name. As the Italian Grand Prix approaches, it is entirely appropriate since McLaren will be one of three teams fighting for overall victory.

Today, Rollo is musing on the delights of the Segway, that curious wheeled invention that cannot fall over. Or can it? Head on over to Rollo's News-sense to find out the hilarious truth.

If you're feeling a little more serious, why not have a look at Minding Your Money, where you can find out which country has the most productive workers. It's quite a surprise! Global Warming Trends also has a somber note to add to today's harvest, with news of Hurricanes Felix and Dean.

To lighten the mood, Why Keep Dogs and Bark Myself? has a story about genes and fruit flies to amuse us. Perhaps the funniest thing is that it's all true!

And that's it for this Tuesday. More tomorrow, no doubt.


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