A Return to The Other
Monday, September 24, 2007
You may have noticed that I have let things slip at The Other One recently and that is because it really is the other one; the main blogs get priority and it is easy for this one to be forgotten in the excitement and busy-ness of daily life. Obviously, I was being a bit optimistic in setting out to make it a daily thing and it might be more workable if it were to be updated less frequently than that.
Anyway, that is what I'm trying for now. In the quiet interim, much has happened, with daily updates to Formula1Sport, F1 Insight and Rollo's News-sense and frequent posting on the remainder. Two new blogs have been added as well: On Your Mind, a series looking at the latest research in the working of the brain, and To Your Health, dedicated to news on women's health matters. In time and as posts accumulate, both of these should become valuable resources and, in the meantime, they provide interesting snippets of information that you might not have known.
There is one more possibility that I could do with The Other One and that is to look at the news on each site in turn, so that updates are not delivered all at once but each blog gets the spotlight occasionally. I make no promises, however, having learned that promises are fatal to any new project!
Rumors in Formula 1
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Formula1Sport has the latest news in F1 and today the big news is all about the forthcoming spy trial. Reconvened by the FIA, the World Motor Sport Council is taking the place of the Appeal Court as new evidence has come into the court's hands. Some say it is to do with phone calles between Fernando Alonso and Pedro de la Rosa, others doubt it. Read more on our F1 news site.
Our site that looks at the implications of the F1 news, F1 Insight, has a post considering the possibilities inherent in these new developments. Much depends upon the outcome of the case, perhaps even the survival of F1 as we know it.
Rollo too is up in arms, having returned for another look at the Senator Larry Craig case. In Rollo's News-sense, he gives his view on things and points out the implications for all of us.
It seems that everyone is angry today. Over at Money Trends it's the early iPhone customers who are annoyed at missing out on the dramatic price cuts on the expensive phone. One can understand how they feel and Apple have had to go back on their intention to give rebates only to those who bought phones 14 days before the price cut.
Finally, and to give us a breather from all this anger, G.A.L.S. - Get It All for Less writes about free samples of laundry detergent. Now there's a refreshing change from the general mood of the day!
Midweek Posts September 5 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Global Warming Trends takes pride of place today with two reports, one on free Big Macs in Japan, the other on an increase in heart disease as a result of global warming. Put the two together and you have a very strange situation indeed.
In the F1 world, F1 Insight takes a look at one of the young and hopeful drivers waiting at the edge of the sport, Gary Paffett. He is presently a test driver for McLaren but rumor puts him in a race seat for Prodrive, the team due to enter F1 next year. Could Gary be another Lewis Hamilton?
Formula1Sport has all the news and the big story today is the reconvening of the FIA court on the Ferrari documents spy saga. The appeal has been withdrawn in the light of new evidence and the verdict reconsidered.
Not as many updates as usual but it's been a busy day for us, rushing hither and yon on personal business. Things will return to normal tomorrow, I'm sure!
Another Day... September 4 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
For the F1 fraternity, Formula1Sport has the news as usual, while F1 Insight goes into nostalgic mode, remembering Bruce McLaren, the driver who founded the all-conquering racing team of the same name. As the Italian Grand Prix approaches, it is entirely appropriate since McLaren will be one of three teams fighting for overall victory.
Today, Rollo is musing on the delights of the Segway, that curious wheeled invention that cannot fall over. Or can it? Head on over to Rollo's News-sense to find out the hilarious truth.
If you're feeling a little more serious, why not have a look at Minding Your Money, where you can find out which country has the most productive workers. It's quite a surprise! Global Warming Trends also has a somber note to add to today's harvest, with news of Hurricanes Felix and Dean.
To lighten the mood, Why Keep Dogs and Bark Myself? has a story about genes and fruit flies to amuse us. Perhaps the funniest thing is that it's all true!
And that's it for this Tuesday. More tomorrow, no doubt.
Labels: F1, fruit flies, global warming, Humor, hurricanes, losing weight, News
Monday, Monday September 3 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
We've been busy today, with just about everything updated. F1 Insight and Formula1Sport have their daily posts, Insight with some thoughts on the night racing that Bernie Ecclestone is introducing with next year's Singapore Grand Prix.
Minding Your Money has things to say about budgeting for a vacation - and spending the money once you've decided where to go. Over at Global Warming Trends, we can learn about how Lake Chad in Africa forced the Times Atlas to reprint - and it's all thanks to global warming!
MusicGeeks updates rather less frequently than our other blogs so it's a day for celebration when a new post happens along. Today it's the Lovin' Spoonful coming under the microscope - a group from the sixties that stands out as being different from all the others. Well worth a read and a listen.
Andrea tells more of the truth in her article for Why Keep Dogs and Bark Myself? today. As the run in to school enters its final phase, she reflects on how life must seem for a young teenager and the struggle it can be at times. I really must recommend this blog to everyone, not just the mommies - for wry humor it is hard to beat!
And so to whitening strips. Yes, G.A.L.S. - Get It All for Less! has the latest info on where to get free samples and come up smiling every time. Now that can't be bad, surely...
Finally, and most importantly, Nedfulthings has an update and it's a poem. As ever, the quality is astounding, the work of a gifted poet. If you are interested at all in poetry, real poetry, not the usual blog-mangled haikus, go have a read and feel the meanings.
Labels: back to school, F1, Lake Chad. global warming, Lovin' Spoonful, poetry, Singapore GP, Times Atlas, vacation money, whitening strips
Saturday's Efforts September 1 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Today F1 Insight takes a reflective view of the test days at Monza, looking for pointers towards the upcoming Italian Grand Prix. McLaren are looking good, yes, but you can never write off Ferrari on their home ground!
In contrast, Rollo decides to have a look at the problem of drug-abusing pets. You don't believe me? Then click on over to Rollo's News-sense and read the whole story.
Minding Your Money has important advice about erasing your data from your old cell phone. There are ways to be certain that your data is not falling into the wrong hands and Andrea can help you find it.
And it's good news for the ladies: G.A.L.S. Get It All For Less has news of free samples of scents. In fact, this is where you can really Get juic'd!
And that's it for Saturday. Well, it is the weekend, how much more did you expect?